The Seattle Experimental Animation Team was happy to take part in the Short Run Comix & Arts Festival on Halloween in Seattle. We set up a tent, showed films inside and had a great time. Special thanks to James Webber for spearheading this year’s endeavor. Until next year!
Comics and animation go together like peanut butter & jelly, am I right or am I right. Which is why SEAT has always had an animation tent at the SHORT RUN Comix & Arts Festival. We are going to have a mixture of animations from SEAT members, SHORT RUN exhibitors and an excerpt from Bruce Bickford’s Cas’l, plus Jim Woodring’s 3D slides, about 80 minutes of visual delights! We also have a late additional to the program, a collection of visual poetries called WRIT LARGE curated by FICTILIS, that runs about 30 minutes. Did I mention the festival is free!
11 AM : SEAT Members’ Shorts
NOON : Exhibitors’ Shorts
12:30 : WRIT LARGE
1:00 : Bruce Bickford’s CAS’L’ (6 min. excerpt)
1:30 : Jim Woodring’s 3D Slides
2:00 : SEAT Members’ Shorts
3:00 : Exhibitors’ Shorts
4:00 : Bruce Bickford’s CAS’L’ (6 min. excerpt)
4:30 : Jim Woodring’s 3D Slides
5:00 : SEAT Members’ Shorts
5:30 : Coldbrew Collective’s Horror Film Video-Mix
We will see you there.
SEAT will be at Short Run this Saturday, November 15th!
Washington Hall
153 14th Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98122
The breathtaking Washington Hall will be filled with a book fair highlighting nearly 200 writers and artists. The first 50 attendees through the door at 11:00 AM will receive a FREE swag bag valued at $40, so don’t be late! Look for the SEAT Castle Fort where you can chill out and watch animations all day long, when you need a break from looking at amazing zines, comics and books!
Short Run Small Press Fest
For two years in a row now SEAT has taken over a room at the Short Run Small Press Fest, held at the VERA space in Seattle. We take this opportunity to show new films as well as the tangible books and other fun stuff our members make.